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Andre Falkenhorst

Last Update
2019-07-31 00:40:29

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Artist Profile

Co-Founder and member of the Direktschall Netlabel Andre Falkenhorst is since 1998 involved in elektronic music projects. At the beginning in technohouse party projects in his hometown Eberswalde 60km north east of Berlin, where he had made flyers and homepages for the artist collectives Pigsounds and Pigwood Allstars. Right after he had moved to Berlin in the year 2000 he started to produce music with the computer. To fulfill his needs of hearing new sounds he found in cooperation with DJ Clementine a internet radio station and deejay artist platform formaly known as Suburbz-Berlin in the year 2003. Also in this year he begins as a active member in the fuckparade organisation who fight for the Acknowledgment of music as a demonstration device and to fight against state repressions against dancing people who making parties. Since the year 2000 where he started to make music his equipment and desire for music has grown and with the new possibilities now in the year 2005 in colaberation with Marko Will a.k.a. Oval 23 he started the netlabel and radio Direktschall which will cover friends and guests who are producing music and love to share this with others.

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